Our story

We are a passionate group of researchers dealing with advanced manufacturing and material processing. But we also do not ignore the current global environmental situation, that challenges us to deliver new knowledge which can be key part of the jigsaw of activities that will help towards sustainable manufacturing and engineering.


Dagmar Klichová

....your manuscript will be polished.

Ľubica Siváková

...smooth enjoyable administration :)

Jana Petrů 

3D printing session...

Svetlana Radchenko

...smooth enjoyable administration :) 

Alessandro Ruggiero

helping to improve your paper.... :)

Sergej Hloch

general chair

Grzegorz Krolczyk

..f manuscript originality ;-)

Akash Nag

 manuscript originality ;-)

Frank Pude

helping to improve your paper.... :)

Ladislav Morovič

...(re)searching for manufactures...:-)

Hakan Tozan

decision maker....


Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies TUKE with a seat in Prešov, Bayerova 1, 080 01 Prešov, Slovakia


hloch.sergej@gmail.com, lubica.sivakova@tuke.sk


© 2022 ICMEM2022 | This conference is supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under Contract No. APVV-17-0490
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